Tuesday, 5 July 2016

The Spice Girls' 'Wannabe' gets a feminist remake

Ladies, now is the time to tell the world what you want -- what you really, really want.
Twenty years after the video for the Spice Girls' first single, "Wannabe," was filmed, the clip has gotten an update, thanks to the charity Project Everyone.
The video, produced by MJ Delaney for Project Everyone's #WhatIReallyReallyWant campaign, features women
performers from India, Nigeria, and the United Kingdom lip-syncing and dancing
to point out ways to improve the lives of women and girls around the world:
equal access to quality education, equal pay, and ending child marriages and
violence against women.

"That's why we need to ensure World Leaders and the Secretary General of the United Nations listen to the voices of girls and women and put them first in policies and plans. 2016 is our chance to use our collective power and tell world leaders what we really really want for girls and women. If you make the noise, we'll get your message to world leaders at the U.N. in September."
At least one Spice Girl is already a big fan of the effort.
"I think this film is a wonderful idea," Victoria Beckham said in a statement. "How fabulous it is that after 20 years, the legacy of the Spice Girls' 'Girl Power' is being used to encourage and empower a whole new generation."

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